Prayer Requests

I am convinced more than ever of our need for prayer as we live and work in ministry, especially overseas cross-cultural ministry.  I hope to update this page semi-regularly with updated prayer requests but these are some specific ways you can be praying for us while we serve in South Korea.  We greatly need and rely on your prayers and we depend on the Lord to uphold us in so many ways.  Thank you for partnering with us in this way!

- For the Lord's grace as we seek to be open-handed to his will and work in our lives, that we would seek him diligently on a daily basis and that he would supply grace sufficient for each day.

- That our individual walks with the Lord would be daily strengthened, that we would grow in godliness and we would fall more deeply in love with him each day.  We know that without our own hearts being daily captivated by our Lord, we will never effectively point others towards him.  Pray for Caleb's heart to be turned from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh, a heart that loves the Lord above all and seeks to be obedient to him.

- Please pray for our marriage.  I have read and heard a theme recently in regards to ministry and marriage and the need for the Lord's protection in this area.  Please pray that we would find the right balance between ministry, marriage and family time and also that the Lord would bind us together as husband and wife, not allowing anything to come between us.  On a practical level, pray that we would make time and find babysitters to get out and spend some time as a couple on a regular basis!

- Pray for our safety and health.  We live in a country technically "at war" and during a sensitive time as the north transitions leadership.

- Pray for wisdom for Steve as he takes on greater responsibilities and that he would continue to grow in his faith, wisdom and maturity in the Lord.

- Pray for my heart as I feel the Lord growing and stretching me in many good but hard ways.

- Please pray for a few close, solid friendships. We live in a very transient community and friends come and go frequently. Pray also that we would focus more on being a good friend towards others, than how others are "friending" us.

- Pray for Caleb and Evelyn Grace to grow in love, obedience and fear of the Lord.

- Pray for us as we desire to add to our family, that the Lord would provide the right child.  And that we would trust him in this area.  For our adoption:  that the Lord would bring in all the funds, that He would burden hearts to give towards this, that His Hand would be in it and that He would provide the right child for our family. Also please remember to pray for this Little one, who right now is facing difficult situations. We pray daily for his/her protection, care, and provision.

- Pray for us as parents, that we would be wise and that we would point our children to Christ, love them well, train them well and raise them up in the Lord.

- Pray for the students and parents in our ministry and church, that Steve would point them always to the Lord, that he would be an encouragement to family worship in the homes and that the Lord would use Steve in these students' lives to point them towards Christ.  Also, pray for Pastor Nelson and his wife (Michelle) who we serve with and for the families the Lord brings through our Church.

- Please pray for us as we seek to find the "right balance" in life and family and ministry.  There are so many great things to do and be involved in but we also know our family is our first concern and ministry....but we also know we are called to ministry (every last one of us, regardless of what our life looks like!) how do we find the balance and allow for both without "shorting" one or the other? We need the Lord's wisdom and guidance!

- Pray for wisdom for the future and what the Lord has for us!

Thank you for your prayers!