Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Familiar Faces

This is slightly "old news" by now but I didn't have the pictures to go with the blogpost until now (and what fun are blog posts without pictures, really?) so here I am blogging about it 3 days late.  It's all the same to you anyway, right?  And most of you are a day behind us so it is even less late as far as you are concerned!

Anyhow, Saturday evening we had a special treat, one that we had been anticipating for quite some time!  We had a visit from some familiar faces: our good friends from the States, James and Betsy, came to visit!  James and Steve go way back with Campus Outreach and various beach projects, basketball leagues etc.  James and Betsy got married over a year ago and that is when her and I started becoming closer.  Last fall (as in a year ago) James and Steve played in a basketball league together and Betsy and I had to got to go watch them play.  We love James and Betsy for a lot of reasons but we especially love their hearts for the Lord, their genuine-ness, their willingness to talk about hard things and not shy away from Truth, and their pursuit of the Cross.  It helps that they are a lot of fun too. 

We ate in the living room so we wouldn't keep lil C awake with all our talking and laughing...he hates missing out on socialization!  We found the little table we are eating on in the dumpster the other day (that's right, we dumpster dive and don't mind talking about it especially when it is in perfect condition!).  Apparentlly in Korea no one likes second hand things so if it is in the dumpster no one will take it (only crazy Americans would do that!) so you can find a lot of really nice furniture that no one will take just because someone else is getting rid of it.  Where do you think we got our couch?

All that to say, we felt so blessed to have them over and to see them again (they have been living and teaching in Seoul since right after Caleb was born).  We really missed them while they were gone and it is unreal that we moved to them!  Who would have thunk.

Why are we standing so far apart?!?  Who organized us anyhow?

A little off center, but we'll take it! It's 10:30 at night and James and Betsy are trying to get home!

Thanks for visiting, Friends!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! How sweet and what a BLESSING! God is good to care for us through friends!
