Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The blog I didn't have the other night

This is the blogpost I referenced the other night that I didn't have because our computer wasn't working...It is working now, thanks to Steve, his brother Chris, and a friend of Steve's mom at work!!! THANK YOU!
Our days here are numbered…well actually all our days are always numbered and we’d probably all be a lot happier if we lived in light of that fact all the time (I know I would anyway) but in times like this we feel the numbers more tangibly.  We have 4 days left in the United States.  We leave Wednesday morning at 8:00am.
Today ( 4 days…) we are running some last minute errands, mailing some more boxes of our stuff, and finalizing our luggage and we are looking forward to spending some time with some of our close friends who are coming over to hang out and say goodbye.   Then this evening we are having Thanksgiving at the Housers early… we are all feeling a little sad that Grandma B won’t be able to make it down from Fargo BUT we are glad she’ll  be safe because this weather is icky and wouldn’t be good to drive in.  We’ll miss you Grandma!
Tomorrow (3 days…) we are going back to my family’s house.  We’ll go to their church in the morning and hope to meet some faithful people who have been and will continue praying for us on our journey.  Then we’ll go home for the day to celebrate my dad’s birthday and hang out as a family.  We are really looking forward to this last time of all hanging out together. Happy Birthday, Dad!
Monday (2 days…) is still a little up for debate.  Steve and I are still talking about exactly how Monday will look but it will be full and busy, whatever we decide, I can promise you that!
Tuesday (last full day) we will be running around like chickens with our heads cut off, running in circles, spinning our wheels and freaking out over last minute details…well, I will be anyway.  Steve will be calmly getting things done with the words “it will be fine” on repeat.  We hope to go visit my mom who is having surgery that day and then we hope to go visit some good friends of ours who can’t come see us because they are waiting for their baby to be born.  We’re waiting too….because we want to meet him before we leave.
And Wednesday morning we’ll head to the airport about 5am, board our flight at 8am, fly first to Detroit (bonus points for anyone who can figure out why it makes sense to fly to Detroit when we are flying WEST to Korea?), we’ll have an hour and half layover in Detroit and board our non-stop, one way flight to South Korea.  Please keep us in your prayers, I’m not sure how such a long flight will go with an active 9 month old and a mama who hates flying!
Then we’ll meet lots of new friends, set up our new home, and live there for a while….sounds easy enough right?  Well, everything looks easier on paper….Consequently me heavy heart and bursting emotions.


  1. Today we got two fun things in the mail and one bummer. The bummer was a returned letter we sent to Byzz while on her Europe Missions Trip! #3 return, and mailed in JUNE. i hope Korea mail is better and we can't wait to get an address, i'm old fashioned enough to still like snail mail with a stamp on it. The two fun thoughtful surprises were the web cam you sent us to skype with so we can SEE yu and not just talk! Wow! The other was the book you sent "Parents of Missionaries How to thrive and stay connected when your children and grandchhildren serve cross-culturally". Of course i skipped right over to "Sane send offs" chapter 7 ONE MORE HUG which starts out "This is the hardest chapter to write. Saying good-bye can be wrenching, even more so when there are grandchildren involved." And MY mom reminds me that now I know how she felt all those years, I never thought about it from that side until now. I'm proud of you, you are NOT running around like a chicken with its head cut off! you are thoughtfully preparing not only yourselves but US. You are amazing and we thank God for you. We are in denial about the last hug and chossing instead to looking forward to hearing about your new homeland and the people God has waiting to welcome you. "Truly I say to you there is no one who has left house or parents for sake of the kingdom of God who shall not receive many times as much at this time and in the age to come, eternal life". thank you thank you thank you !

  2. Oh man this blog and Faith's comment and thinking of Hope when Faith and David left for Africa all makes me cry!
