Saturday, November 27, 2010

Caleb figures out his "new" toy

When we arrived here in Korea, several people from the church had stocked Caleb's room with some new to him toys for him to borrow while we get set up and while we wait for some of his toys to arrive in the mail (for those of you who don't know, we did not bring many of our things with us due to the cost of shipping a container.  Instead, we mailed some of the more important things and stored the rest in a shed in Steve's parent's backyard--Thanks again!)  We sent most things as "space available mail" and "media mail" because those are the cheapest ways to mail things, but it also means we have no idea when our things will arrive!  Anyway, we were very blessed to have some toys in Caleb's room when we arrived and he has been thoroughly enjoying them all!

This particular toy really intrigued him but took him a while to figure out.  You have to put the ball in the hole on top and hit it fairly hard to get it to go in and down the track, coming out the bottom hole.  Well, he finally figured it out last night and it was fun to watch him learn something new.  I think that is one of my favorite things about being a parent:  watching (and helping) him figure life out. 

Good Job, Caleb!

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