Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy Anniversary


Tomorrow we celebrate our 4 year anniversary and I couldn't have asked for a better man to spend my life with.

As I look back on the past four years, it's hard for me to believe how much has changed but more so how much I've changed.  For the better.  I praise the Lord for the patient, compassionate, loving, honorable man of character that you are and the many ways the Lord has used you to gently show me my own sin and areas of weakness and desperate need.  Steve, you have stuck with me, patiently pointing me to the Cross and loving me despite myself.

I also can't believe the many ways you have changed.  You were a great guy when I married you, I don't know many people that don't like you - you're pretty hard not to get along with (so long as it's not your younger sister).  But the ways I have seen you grow, mature and change in the past four years have been truly incredible.  I've seen you "step up" and lead increasingly each year.  I've watched you turn from self to Christ more and more.  I've seen you "grow up" and mature daily.  I've seen you work hard to care for and provide for me and our growing family.  I see you stay up late working because you took some time to come home in the afternoon and give me a break from Caleb.  Or do the dishes.  Or clean the porch.  I've seen you pour yourself into students and ministry and Church and small group and other people's marriages and struggles and hurts, often (literally since we don't have a car) running from event to meeting to home and back to Church.  I've seen your heart growing for the nations and this world, for the fatherless, for the hurting and most of all for the unbelievers and those who have never heard.  I've seen you grow in Christ-likeness and love for others, as you simultaneously care less and less for yourself and your wants and needs.  Steve, you are a man I look up to and respect, a man who is the same in the house when no one is here but your family as you are in Church or out of the house, you are a man of honorable character and you are a man I am abundantly blessed to call my husband and a man I earnestly pray our sons follow closely. I couldn't have asked for a better man to spend the rest of my life with and I am filled with praise to the Lord for blessing me with you this year and always.  

Happy 4 year Anniversary!  I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!  Yours Always, Sarah


  1. Happy anniversary! As I reflect back on the whirlwind of preparing and the joy of seeing God bring all of it together in such a way of honoring Him and His bringing you together, I bow my head == I am so grateful for this testimony of His faithfulness and your faithfulness to one another. May you never stop rejoicing!!!

  2. Sarah & Steve,
    Happy & Blessed 4 year Anniversary. I'm sorry I'm late, as usual... I can hardly believe it has been 4 years already. Like, wow! You are both truely a huge blessing to me & to SO MANY others around you. I admire how much you've grown in Jesus together & teaching Caleb all that God wants him to know & learn too. I pray God will continue to bless you & use you each new day He gives you. Always remember to give God all the glory in all that you do for Him. I love you & God bless! Love, Hugs & Prayers, Aunt nj in SD :o)
