Sunday, July 15, 2012

Walking in Daddy's shoes

Caleb was talking with one of his friends and she told him to "be a big boy." He looked shocked and replied, "I'm NOT a big boy, I'm a MAN!"  The past few months have been full of wanting to be "just like daddy." I love it.


  1. Oh, Caleb, enjoy the precious carefree life of being a boy! We are glad you are being raised to walk in Father's Shoes and into manhood, but play for awhile. Of course daddy still plays : ) Love every footstep shared through blogs, skype and emails!

  2. I so very much agree with my sister Faith sweet lil' Caleb man! No needs to grow up so fast! You are already doing just that: Growing up too fast!! :o) It is so awesome to see you have so much joy in your life at age 2 and wanting to walk in your daddy's footsteps along with Jesus' Footsteps. You are amazing! Your momma and daddy are doing such an awesome job with raising you Caleb & I know in my heart it is all because of our Jesus! Keep it up sweetie!! I love you! I love each of you! Love, Hugs & Prayers, aunt nj in SD
