Monday, October 11, 2010

my favorite blog - EVER

It's no secret that I enjoy reading other people's blogs.  I like the sneak peak into other people's lives, thoughts, homes, and souls.  I like hearing things people might never actually say in person.  I like the tips I learn, the life lessons I glean from and the encouragement I find.  And mostly I'm just snoopy (as Steve likes to point out regularly).

This blog is my absolute favorite.  I can't get enough of the truth that pours forth and I love the way Ann writes.  I've never met this lady (and I'm not even sure how I found her blog) but I'm totally encouraged and convicted every time I check in with her.  I hope you check it out and are blessed in the ways I've been blessed.

A quote from a recent blog post on the importance of each day that I'm tossing around my mind and life today: "The ways we live our everydays is the way we live our lives"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! Always enjoy good reading material. I'll check it out.

    "I like the sneak peak into other people's lives, thoughts, homes, and souls. I like hearing things people might never actually say in person." One of my reasons for reading blogs. You said it very nicely.
