Thursday, October 21, 2010

Where are we right now?

We are currently (mostly) moved of our apartment and living in Zimmerman at Steve's parent's house...they are gone on vacation to St. Thomas Islands (jealous!) and we are enjoying house living for the week.  It's great having a grill to grill on, a big kitchen to cook in, and lots of space for Caleb to crawl around.  Next week Steve has his first class in Charlotte and after that we plan to rotate grandparents until deparature date.  Speaking of that, we don't have a date nailed down but are working on finding flights and are targeting mid-November (ish).  We can't believe how many little details there are to take care of, loose ends to tie up and people to see....we've never been busier and are starting to feel Caleb's (and mom's!) stress over our constant whirlwind....trying to brianstorm ways to allow him to stay put more and be able to keep him on more of a routine.  More to come, but that's where we're at for now!

1 comment:

  1. fun ideo! Can't wait to see one as you pull into your apart in Korea!!!
