Monday, October 4, 2010

What do leaves taste like?

Caleb loves going "bye bye" and we have been enjoying about 3 walks a day lately. 
Sometimes we stop and "explore" while we're out.


  1. Fall is Oma's favorite season of four favorite seasons! Do they have fall in korea? It was fun to send you the maple leaf, Caleb. you will have to send me one from Korea when you find a similar seasonal marker. In Liberia it was the snowbirds, so we sent feathers; In Guinea it was the flame trees and we sent flowers. On London Trail its maple and pine so here you have it! don't eat them tho! Kisses, Oma

  2. Sarah, you take great pictures! Caleb is adorable! Sweet, handsome boy! Fall is also my most favorite season. (Although Spring is looking good after a long winter in Colorado)
