Sunday, January 30, 2011


I am happy to update you that we now have a functioning washing machine!  I may some day complain about doing laundry but for now I am LOVING it. Wow, it is so easy and convenient to throw a load in the washer, push a button and come back 30 minutes later to clean clothes!  I'm such a happy mama and we have clean sheets, clean clothes, socks, clean towels and clean diapers! YAY!!!

But, for your reading and viewing pleasure I'm still going to post 2 clips from two weeks ago when we were still bath-tubbing-it-up for laundry.  This is what happens when you have 2 overtired adults+30 dirty diapers+0 washing machines+1 video camera. 

This production made possible by our dear friends Dan and Tara Schmidt (Charlie's parents) and their kind and thoughtful gift of home made cloth diaper detergent.  Thanks, Friends!


  1. LOVE THIS POST!! haha I love the videos and am so glad you have a washing machine now :)

  2. Hooray! :) Was wondering if the detergent worked ok...does it seem to? We will start using it shortly!

  3. ha ha, thanks Ang...hope we made you laugh! ;-)

    Tara - yep, seems to work great...we don't have any stinkies. Weren't you listening to the commercial? "From pee-u to brand new!" =)

  4. OOOhhhh this is tooooo funny, i wish i had technology to post pics of YOUR dad and how HE washed YOUR diapers!!!! it5 was tooOOO GROSQUE!

  5. Watched the commercial twice! I laughed soooo hard! "From pee-u to brand new!" So very happy and thankful for your new washer!!!!! Praise God! : )
