I have had a number of people ask me how to leave a comment on this blog and also heard a few people say they wish they knew how to comment, so I'm posting a link below that walks through leaving a comment on a blog. It has screen shots and instructions. Hopefully this helps. I will also put some instructions below and hopefully the link and my notes will be helpful to anyone wondering how to leave a comment!
Also, I may possibly have some upcoming things planned on the blog that might give some fun reasons to leave a comment! Stay tuned.
Instructions for leaving a comment link:
My Instructions:
It will at first seem like a number of steps but really once you get the hang of it, it isn't too hard!
- At the bottom of each of my posts there is the word "comment." Click on that and it will pull up a box that says "post a comment." Write your comment in that box.
- After typing it up, look at the bottom of the comment box and there is a pull down menu, choose how you want to identify yourself. If you have a google account, you can use that name/password (if you don't have an account you can set one up). After you hit "Post Comment" it will take you to your log in screen and you can enter your account/password and then it will allow you to comment. After you get the hang of it this way, it is the easiest way for you to comment and for me to view your comments.
- Otherwise you can choose one of the other options. If none of those work for you, choose "anonymous" and comment that way, just be sure to include your name in your comment so I know who you are!
- After doing that hit "post comment" it will give you a word code to enter.
-After that, it should post your comment. You can go back to my blog and check if it is there by clicking the "comment" button again and it will show any comments that have been posted.
If you haven't commented before or haven't tried it, I would encourage you to play around with it and try! If you can't figure it out or have questions, feel free to let me know and I'll try to help.
Remember, all comments are public so everyone who checks my blog can also read what you wrote.
Stay tuned because there may be some "interactive" blog posts coming up that it could benefit you to post a comment!
Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you!
Can't wait to read 100 comments soon!